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AMD Clinical Trial

Help us focus more closely on Macular Degeneration

The National Retina Institute is currently enrolling patients in the Opthea clinical trial for the treatment of Exudative (Wet) Macular Degeneration. Your participation in clinical research provides essential information, critical to the advancement of medical care for hundreds of thousands of people. It could save the sight of you, your loved ones, and thousands in the future.

any of the following symptoms?

  • Reduced central vision in one or both eyes
  • Straight lines appear wavy
  • Need for brighter light when reading

Contact us to learn more

You may be able to
take part if you

  • Are 50 years of age or older
  • Have been diagnosed with AMD
  • Currently not receiving treatment for AMD

*Additional eligibility criteria apply

Please contact Keisha Williams, Clinical Research Coordinator. Call 410-337-4500 for additional information or email Keisha.Williams@espmgmt.com.

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Our Locations


6325 Woodside Court
Suite 125
Columbia, Maryland 21046

(410) 919-4455
Fax: (410) 339-7326
Mon-Fri: 8:30am to 5:00pm
On Call 24/7 (410) 919-4455

Owings Mills

21 Crossroads Drive
Suite 425
Owings Mills, MD 21117

(410) 337-4500
Fax: (410) 339-7326
Mon-Fri: 8am-4:30pm
On Call 24/7 (410) 337-4500


5420 Olney Laytonsville Road
Olney, MD 20832

(410) 919-4455
Fax: (410) 339-7326
Mon-Fri: 8am-4:30pm
On Call 24/7 (410) 337-4500